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What Is "OM TELOLET OM", Meaning Of Om telolet Om.
What Is "OM TELOLET OM" - The phenomenon of "om om telolet" enter into the international sphere. World celebrities such as DJ Snake, Oliver Heldens, Hardwell, Zedd, until Martin Garrix rollicking mengicaukan phrase "telolet om om".

In fact, Hardwell ported "telolet om om" ala himself that seemed to be a bus driver. Chirp celebrities invites curiosity of netizens world that does not understand the meaning of "om om telolet".

In Indonesia, the phenomenon has been prevalent since a few months ago on the internet. However, because in the domain of global netizens discuss Twitter became more aggressive in cyberspace.

As a result, the pound sign #telolet a Trending Topic first order in parts of Indonesia on Wednesday (12/21/2016) morning. Many who make jokes about the videos "telolet om om" outstanding, but not a few who inserts criticism.

"Telolet teaches us that happiness is in fact simple. Thanks #telolet :))" wrote the account @infoseni_

"The phenomenon #telolet Om Om, may be created because the government failed to create entertainment for the people, and the tv is getting stale to be seen," wrote @Kikngiang account.

At first, the videos "telolet om om" crowded shared on Facebook. The video was recorded by someone who saw the delight of children on the roadside waiting for the inter-city bus.

Sounds as if uttering the word "telolet" itself is nothing but the hooter inter-city buses. The children ask the bus driver om wheezes "telolet" when passing.

Therefore, the edges of this phenomenon is called "telolet om om", exemplifies the demand for children to om driver.

Video uploaders "telolet om om" wish to express that happiness can come from simple things. Over time, many versions of the video "telolet om om" that appear and so jokes
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